9-Pin No Tap Rules 2025
FORMAT: 3 games on same pair where 9 pins on first ball is a strike
Open to all Male and Female “adult” bowlers. SANDBAGGERS ARE NOT WELCOME!!!!
Handicap is based on 90% of 220 using your highest league average for 18 or more games for the years 2023, 2024 or highest 2025 average at time of bowling. Bowlers with no average can bowl scratch. It is the bowler's responsibility to use correct average and failure to do so could result in disqualification. If a bowler isn’t sure about their average, we will give them time to verify and correct any errors.
In the interest of fairness to all bowlers, the maximum series with handicap will be 900.
This is not a USBC CERTIFIED TOURNAMENT but all USBC rules will be followed.
Optional side pots will be offered.
300 Game Jackpot-- $15.00 entry fee per squad bowled. Each 300 game bowled earns a share of the jackpot. The more 300’s you bowl the more shares you win. If there was $1000 collected and 9 300 games bowled each share would be worth $111.30. The entire $15 goes to the jackpot. WE KEEP NOTHING.
Singles Entry fee will be $60.00 ($35.00 to prize fund and $25.00 for lineage/expenses).
Doubles Entry Fee will be $50.00 per bowler ($30 to prize fund and $20 for lineage/expenses).
Crossover Doubles entry fee will be $40.00 per bowler ($30 going to prize fund and $10 for expenses). You can bowl with an unlimited number of partners at the same time.
100% of prize fund will be returned to bowlers in cash and merchandise with prize checks mailed withing 30 days of the last day of event.
All decisions made by the tournament direct are final and tournament director has the right to deny any entry, rerate any bowler and disqualify any bowler if necessary.