The BTM 2025 Rules

  1. ELIGIBILITY: Open to all adult bowlers. The tournament director reserves the right to refuse any entry.

  2. SINGLES: 3 games on the same pair. You may enter singles a maximum of 6 times in each division you are eligible to enter. Bowlers will be allowed to cash twice in the main prize list but only once in the top 20 in Open singles, top 15 in all other singles divisions. 

  3. DOUBLES: Bowlers may bowl doubles only without bowling singles. Crossover doubles with up to 6 different partners may bowl at the same time. Any bowler eligible to bowl the tournament may bowl doubles together with the exception of two bowlers who finished in the top 20 money leaders at the end of the 2023 or 2024 PBA Tour season. NEW IN 2025 - DOUBLES PARTNERS DO NOT HAVE TO BOWL AT THE SAME TIME. Choose up to 7 bowlers who will be in Baton Rouge during the event for your partner.  Entry fee for both bowlers must be paid before the first bowler participates. Entry fee will be the same as crossover fee and both bowlers must bowl singles.  Bowlers can cash twice with the same partner but only once in top 35.

  4. SCRATCH DIVISIONS: Any bowler eligible to participate can bowl the OPEN Division. SENIOR Division is limited to bowler 50 and over at time of bowling. SUPER SENIOR Division is open to all bowlers age 65 and over at time of bowling. SUPER DUPER Division is open to any bowler age 75 or over at time of bowling. 199 Under division is open to any bowler with a verifiable average for 18 games or more during 2023, 2024 or 2025 at time of bowling.

  5. HANDICAP DIVISION: Same divisions will be offered with handicap of 90% of 220 based on your highest sanctioned average of 18 games or more for 2023, 2024 or 2025 at time of bowling. Sport League averages will be converted to regular league average. It is the bowler's responsibility to provide correct average and failure to do so could result in disqualification. Tournament Director reserves the right to adjust bowlers average and SANDBAGGERS ARE NOT WELCOME.

  6. ENTRY FEES: Entry into any Singles Division will be $85.00 ($59.00—PRIZE FUND and $26.00—Lineage and expenses). Doubles will be $50.00 per bowler ($30 prize fund and $20 to lineage/expenses). Crossover doubles will be $40 per bowler ($30 going to prize fund and $10 expenses). Entry fees are the same for scratch and handicap divisions.

  7. PRIZE DISTRIBUTION: Prize fund will be returned 100% in money and merchandise with the prize ratio of at least 1 in every 5 fully paid entries.

  8. JACKPOT EVENTS: Limited to only bowlers participating in singles.

  9. PLAYING RULES: For rules not covered here, USBC rules will be used and the tournament director's decision is final.

  10. OFFICIAL SCORE: Automatic scoring will be the official scorer. Bowlers will verify the correctness of their scores at the completion of each game and record it on the official score sheet. This will be the bowlers only opportunity to question the accuracy of a score. Obvious adjustments or error will be corrected when the score sheet is audited by tournament staff. Each bowler must sign his score sheet to verify correctness and for the score to count.

  11. LANE ASSIGNMENTS AND OPEN BOWLING: Tournament director will make lane assignments prior to start of each squad and bowlers will be given 7 minutes practice on their starting pair. No open bowling will be allowed on the tournament lanes at any time during tournament hours.

  12. CLOSE OF ENTRIES: Entries will close 20 minutes prior to the last scheduled squad of the day.

  13. SQUAD TIMES may change depending on lane availability which is controlled by All Star Lanes.